Shabaka's Pride - Round 2: Match 1
Vitoroy was in pain, but he wasn’t hurt, Smalls knew how to pull his punches. Bard was correct in stopping the match, at least to make sure Vito was alright. After Bard had confirmed Vito was going to be able and compete, he gave everyone five minutes to rest before the next round started. When they had rested, Bard revealed the next round matchups. “In this second round, the match ups will be first, Shabaka vs Vitoroy, and then Amare vs Tilian, with Smallblade acting as timekeeper and getting the bye.” “Hey, that’s not fair,” groaned Vito, pointing an accusatory finger at his father. “I have to fight twice in a row.” “Unfortunately, due to this tournament only having two matches each round, it mathematically has to be this way,” said B...