
Showing posts from August, 2021

The Voice

The Voice By Lucius Jack & Toast               Ever since he was a boy, Dick had wanted to be a detective. He cared not for the gun fights and other violent acts, he preferred the quieter way of catching criminals where they had no other choice but to come into custody and hope their lawyer could get them out.             Now, after three different college majors, he was meeting with the chief of police at the Nemometro Police Department. The chief in question was an old man with a big bushy mustache, he wasn’t fat, but it was plainly obvious that he had once worked out, then stopped. The top righthand drawer was bursting with junk, mostly instant popcorn bags. A little secret to know about the police, is that kids working nightshifts at convenience stores will offer cops free coffee and popcorn to keep them around in the crime high hours of the night.             Dick made his introductions (which were just a formality at this point) and was handed over his badge by the