In the City of Giants - Chapter VII
Bard had won the fight, but he hated that he used it even though he hated it, and did not even need it, that power, the Fire Element Essence. But Bard did not regret his decision to use it, even if he regretted the consequences, he just could not bear to let anyone that even tried to hurt his children live, regardless of if they would have been more useful left alive for questioning. That was all in the past though, now Bard had to do what was right and make sure everyone got home safely. But first, he had to check on his children and thankfully, they had gathered behind him, all of them except Amare. “Everyone alright? No one got hurt?” Bard asked. His five youngest replied with unsteady nods with blank faces. “Amare, how about you?” Xey were on hands and knees, still seemingly stunned by the display of fire Bard had just put on. ...